The Case: Massachusetts’ highest court heard arguments about whether an employer can fire workers who use medical marijuana outside work. […]

The Case: Massachusetts’ highest court heard arguments about whether an employer can fire workers who use medical marijuana outside work. […]
Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as Negro History Week and later as Black History Month during […]
Immigration chaos. A proposed border wall that it turns out Mexico isn’t going to pay for. The revival of two […]
In my twenty-plus years of trial experience, I have always found it pivotal in winning my cases to state the […]
Florida is a safe place if you count yourself among the overwhelming majority of like-minded medical marijuana supporters. As noted […]
Take my hand, non-believer. If you are one of the handful of people who voted against Amendment 2 or if […]
We are down the home stretch. The final debate of the 2016 election is in the record books. What is […]
Now that the Sunshine State has got the business of hurricanes out of the way, Floridians can focus on this […]
“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.” – Sir Isaac […]
What is the difference between a Republican, a Democrat, and a Libertarian? A Republican is likely to possess a concealed […]